Friday, May 22, 2009

appointment update

my appointment on wednesday was good: weight, blood pressure, etc. are all good. i passed my glucose test so yeah i get to eat the cookies my mom sent for my anniversary which was also on wednesday the 20th. baby's still moving a lot and and at the appointment they listened to the heartbeat on the doppler and it's really strong and she even kicked the part of the doppler that goes on my belly which was kind of funny. all my lovely 'side effects' like swollen ankles, rib pain, etc. are all normal and just part of it she said. next appointment is june 16th.


  1. Yea! Hope you enjoyed the cookies. If you think she is a "pain in the ribs" now, just wait. Someday she will be a teenager! HA!!

  2. So exciting--you are looking gorgeous still!
